If vaping can give you the lungs of a 70-year-old, how do you think you’ll handle getting COVID-19? Maybe like a 70-year-old? 😳🥴👎 Yikes. That’s a grim diagnosis for someone as young as you … used to be. #ThePriceYouPay #NotWorthIt #VapingRuinsLives
After Vaping-Related Illness, Teen Now Has Lungs Like ‘A 70-Year-Old’s’ WebMD: Coronavirus and Smoking Vaping and COVID-19: Can Vaping Increase Complications? Smoking, Vaping and COVID-19: What You Need to Know Cessation Support for StudentsWish you could quit vaping? "Live Vape Free" can help! Visit www.livevapefree.com to enroll and get messages from real people who quit to help you feel motivated, inspired and supported.